Winter Open 24

We are pleased to invite submissions for our Winter Open Exhibition, 2024 which will take place in our Main Gallery at Sou'-Sou'-West, Symondsbury between 16th November and 9th December. Our Winter Open exhibition has become an annual event enabling artists from any artistic discipline to take part.
This year the exhibition coincides with our other events leading up to Christmas as well as the annual Symondsbury Christmas Market celebrating its 10th year, which attracts a large number of visitors to the estate. Sou'-Sou'-West will also be holding a series of late night opening evenings to tempt visitors to our Galleries for their Christmas shopping, the first one of which will be on opening day, 16th November.
There is no specific theme for the exhibition, you are free to exhibit work inspired by your own interests. We welcome 2D or 3D work and there is no restriction on size but please let us know if your work requires a specific method of display such as an installation. You can submit up to three pieces of wall hung or large 3D work or up to 6 pieces of small 3D.
You are also welcome to enter up to 3 unframed browser pieces and 10 cards. Please note, all cards in the gallery are now sold for £3.50 each.
There is no selection process and we hope to exhibit all work entered if space allows, otherwise it will be kept as reserve to replace works sold; only one piece from each artist would be kept in reserve.
Please ensure all pictures are ready to hang and are labelled on the back with your name, title of piece and selling price (including 37% commission). 3D work should be labelled on the base.
We reserve the right to apply a discretionary 10% discount in order to secure a sale. If you have exhibited with us before please note this is a change to our Terms and Conditions (April 2024).
Submission Deadline:  Sat 9th November 2024
Exhibition Dates:           Sat 16th November - Mon 9th December 2024

Hand in:          Weds 13th November, 10am - 12 noon or by arrangement.
                         We may be able to arrange a collection point (e.g. Exeter Services)  

Fee:                  Wall hung and large 3D: £40 for up to 3 pieces. 
                         Small 3D: £40 for up to 6 pieces.
Commission:   37% on sales.
Collection:       Wed 11th December 2024, 10.30am - 12.30pm or by arrangement