Journeys Open Call

We invite you to be inspired by the theme of "Journeys" for our upcoming Open Exhibition in our Little Gallery which runs from Friday 11th to Sunday 27th October.
You may have been on a journey by land, sea or air and been inspired by the scenery, people or places along the way.
Or you may wish to interpret a personal journey you have experienced.
Alternatively you may wish to present your submission pieces as a journey in themselves with development or a common link from first to last.
You are welcome to enter up to a total of three pieces of work for an entry fee of £35. As the exhibition will take place in our Little Gallery there is a size restriction of 50cm in any direction. As always, we welcome all forms of art from any media, using paint, mixed media, wood, ceramics, metal, glass, textiles or any other media you are working with, either 2D, 3D or a mix of both. If all of your pieces are small 3D, you may enter four pieces.
You may like to write a short piece of text (up to 50 words) with an explanation of how you have interpreted or been inspired by the Journeys theme.
There is no selection process and we intend to exhibit all entries but any work not exhibited at the start of the exhibition (due to space restrictions) will be kept as reserve to replace work sold. Only one piece from each artist would be retained.
Please ensure all work is labelled with your name, title of piece and selling price. Pictures need to be ready to hang and frames (if used) included in the size limit.
We reserve the right to apply a discretionary 10% discount in order to secure a sale. If you have exhibited with us before please note this is a change to our Terms and Conditions (April 2024).
Submission Deadline:  7th October 2024
Exhibition Dates:           11th - 27th October 2024

Hand in:          9th October 10.00am - 12 noon. Please let us know if you are unable to make this time slot.
                         We may be able to arrange a collection point (e.g. Exeter Services)  
Fee:                  £35 for up to 3 pieces of work: 2D, 3D or a mix of both. Or 4 pieces if all are small 3D.
Commission:   37% on sales.
Collection:        28th October 2024, 12 -2pm or by arrangement